
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Can't sleep ! It's 3am

i can't sleep!!! Now it's 3am already!! I've been trying to sleep by closing my eyes. It I'm still awake!! And I'm having stomache issues... I'm bloated.... I keep burping... and I feel uncomfortable... when I'm laying down, I sometimes feel like I can't breath properly as my windpipe is being constructed with the stomach air... so I have to keep shifting around....

 I've been having these stomach issues such as bloating, painful abdominal pains from the air in my tummy... I've been belching(burping) a lot ... it a Long continuos burp... and I also have to force the air to go out by forcing myself to burp.. and sometimes my throats feels sore from forcing a lot of burps to force the air out of my stomach to at least relieve the air from my stomach... but after a few seconds, I can already feel the air building up again in my stomach... I really don't know what's going on and what is causing all this bloating, pain and burping.. I think that this is abnormal as I've been having these quite persistently...

I've not been to the doctor recently to check .. but before this I did went to the doctor and told them about what I'm facing but all the do is ask me to lay on the bed and they will press on my tummy and ask me where it is pain when they put pressure on the different parts of the abdomens... and then they will just prescribe stomach cramp pills, gastric pills, antacid pills, and many more pills that is not useful at all and cost me money...

One more thing, usually when my period comes, on the first day and second day will be the worst! On the first day, I will get fever and chills, bloating, a little bit constipated and the stomach cramps is unbearable that I have to be in bed lying down covering myself with a blanket all curled up and even lying down is uncomfortable.. on the second day, mostly I'll be having painful cramps... but when I take fish oil, there is still pain and fever but it's more bearable. But still damn pain.. but it somehow help but not much..

I'm thinking that maybe my stomach issue might be indigestion, or maybe it's because of horomones imbalance or I'm hoping that is not any underlying condition or disease... I really don't know what to do.. I'm not sure if this is serious condition or it is treatable ... but for now whenever I have bloating during normal days, I would feel very hopeless when I'm burping soooo much and that my stomach is painful when it's bloating...

I hope that someone would come across this and help me or have any advice...