
Sunday, October 30, 2016

What I'm feeling currently

Hey, I'm just writing down what I'm feeling... They say that writing what you feel when you feel down or feeling overwhelmed, it's best to write it down to get it off your chest.. So that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to express my feelings so don't mind me..

So I've feel like there's a lot of things that I have to do... Like school work is very packed... To me it feels very rushed... All the deadlines are very close... And there's also test and exams coming up... So I feel like this semester is Much more packed than other sems... And the modules I'm having now... Well there's a lot of theory... And practical... Since I'm at my third year last and final Sem... One of the modules named PO&O... For me the practical is very confusing and difficult... Maybe it's because I don't really understand what's going on so that's why I find it difficult... But now all the modules feel like they are linked.... On TOP if that, there are presentations... And group work... I'm not good at presentations as I'm always nervous and I will try to appear to be calm.. But in reality it looks like I'm being laid back which is not a good view... There's also a lot of assignment that needs to be submitted...

Other than that, I still have to think About what I'm going to after I graduate.... Like should I go to a university or go to work... And what course I should take if I go to a Uni... And which Uni should I go.... So I'm really like a lost puppy who didn't really know what to do.... And I feel like I don't really know what I would love to do in the future... So basically I don't know what's my passion...! And plus I also have to think about financial.... I could try to apply for a scholarship but thing is I didn't take any CCA when I am in Poly.... As what I know the school will only pick the students who are an all rounder ... And I'm not an all rounder....

But I also have to think positive about my choices that I make... For now I still have time to think.. And they say that if you start thinking after you receive your certificate, then it's too late.....

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