
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Got my Driving License!!

Hey! How are you feeling? I hope you all are feeling great and healthy! Guess what?! I passed my driving lessons on 27 May 2015 on Wednesday!! Woohooo! So now I've got my driving license and I can drive anytime and wherever I want!! Except that I don't own a car yet... So I'll just have for me to have a car or when my parents buy a car... Hehehe but I don't know when's that going to happen.. Its okay ! The most important thing is that now I have a license... So I don't have to worry about it in the future...

During my driving test, I didn't feel nervous at all.. And I didn't even think that was my driving test ... I just thought of it as a normal driving practical lesson... I was really scared of failing and mounting the curb.. But luckily I passed it!!! So after knowing the result that I passed, I had to watch a safety video and it was kind of scary to see real life accidents... So I'm going to drive carefully and follow all the road rules...

I guess that's all I wanted to say for the post this time ... See you again! Bye bye

Saturday, May 9, 2015

LG G3 Beat Phone

Hey so I just want to write a review on the LG G3 Beat phone.... To be honest, I find that the phone processor is pretty slow and it lags a lot. Even  when I opened a simple app, like the camera, it will take a while for it to load... And when I snap a picture, it will also take a while for it to actually save the photo. Sometimes the photo will come out blurry as maybe my hand was shaking a bit. I also find that the earpiece is not so good as when I'm at a noisy place, i can't really hear the music. I also tried listening to the radio using the earpiece provided, and I couldn't even make out what was on the radio. Well, overall I don't like the phone unless I use the voice recorder..... And I am done using the LG G3 Beat phone. Oh yeah and sometimes, when I am listening to my music while I surf the net, the phone would sometimes stop the music halfway, so I have to go to the music player and press the music player again. And sometimes when I want to press the next song on the lock screen shortcut button, it would not skip to the next song, and it will lag.... It's just really irritating..... I HATE the phone... I really don't want to say this but this phone really test my patience.....

With that, please don't buy the phone... Let's just say it's not worth your money...  Unless you don't mind the phone to lag.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Hey bloggers! I hope you guys are doing well! Well for my post today, its about my school week.. I've been attending school for 3 weeks now.... And truth to be told, it's pretty tiring.... And the teachers are not like my year 1 teachers... My year 2 teachers teach us differently and mostly, I have to do like self study. The way the teachers teach is quite fast so it's a bit hard to catch up.... So i have to try and read up and understand....

This 3 weeks is not the worst part yet... As most of the practical lesson have not started yet... But I guess once the lab session have start, things are going to be pretty stressful and plus things are going to go by pretty quickly.... Not forgetting, there's going to be quizzes and test..... I'll also be having my driving lesson and my driving test on week 6...... Hopefully I can handle the pressure.....

I guess that's all for my post today..
With that, I'll write a new post next time! Till then, See you!!