
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cold Shower

Hello people! I'm posting about cold shower because I've been showering these past few days using cold water as my water heater is not working... And let me tell you... Ooooo it's super cold!! It will take me a while to get use to the cold water for me to start showering... Well, I have no choice but shower... So I'm still waiting for my father to fix or change to a new water heater...   But when I look at the bright sight,  I heard that showering with  cold water actually have good benefits.. From what I know, showering with cold water, makes you have shiny hair, better blood circulation and makes you more alert... Well I don't know if it's a fact or not... But, I did some research.... And what I found out online is that:
5 surprisingly good benefits of Cold Showers
Burn fat
Boost recovery after exercising
Increase mood and alertness
Strengthen immunity and circulation
Attractive skin and hair

The link:

So from looking at the good benefits from taking cold showers, I am actually glad that my water heater broke down.. Hahha! So even if the water heater is fixed, I'm still going to shower with cold water... Hehhe! Even though showering with cold water is going to take time for me to get used too, I'm willing to endure for a few minutes everyday for a cold shower...  But I'm still going to use hot water when I shower in the mornings as the water in the morning is always cold...

With that, see you guys soon on my next post!

Cinnamon goodness

Hello beautiful people! How is your day today? I hope your having a great day!! I just wanted to share with you guys about CINNAMON! Have you guys ever tried cinnamon before? I'm sure you guys have.. Well maybe some of you would like the taste of cinnamon while some of you dislike the taste of cinnamon but... It's okay! We all have different taste buds!

So recently, I have an obsession with cinnamon... Like from the smell of it I the taste of it... Hehhe.. Well, I've actually liked cinnamon from when I was small but this days, I've been eating A LOT, A LOT, A LOT OF CINNAMON!! I'm really not kidding.. Everyday, without fail, I must eat cinnamon.. I will put cinnamon, sugar and butter on my toast and eat it.. I guess to me, when I put cinnamon on my bread, it will actually make my toast taste like some kind I dessert... Well, it's just simply delicious...
Cinnamon Toast

Cinnamon Tea

And I've also search online for cinnamon tea... And guess what... I made the cinnamon tea myself and have a taste and boy does it taste AWESOME!! It's sooooo refreshing, relaxing and calming!  I feel soo relaxed when I drank my cinnamon tea and plus it also smells NICE! If any of you guys like cinammon, have a go.. I made my cinnamon tea by having a cup of hot water, 1 tea bag (you can make a few cup of tea with 1 tea bag), and a half or 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder., and 2 teaspoon of sugar (you can put more or less sugar if you want)... If you like your tea very sweet, just add more sugar.. And you just stir the tea and let it cool down enough for you to drink the tea.. At first, when you pour the cinnamon powder into your tea, it will float at the top and would not mix well but it's normal... Just wait for a couple of minutes an the cinnamon powder will mix.. There's actually a few different cinnamon tea recipes but I just made the most simplest way... Or if your lazy to make your own, you can buy the already made cinnamon tea from the supermarket... ;)

Here's the link for the tea recipes:

SURPRISINGLY, there's a lot of benefit when you eat cinnamon... You can google it and you'll get a lot of great benefit results!  I'll just list a few of it here.. And I'll also put in the links of the website so it's easy for you guys.. :)

So from what I found out about cinnamon is that it helps with: 

  • weight loss
  • Make you feel alert and improve brain function
  • Helps to prevent some kind of cancer
  • Blood sugar controls
  • Pain ( Stomach cramps, bloating, sore muscles)
  • Improve blood circulation

So here's some link you guys can go to for the benefits of cinnamon: (This are just some of it)

But be careful not to eat too much cinnamon as there will be side effects.. You know the saying, too much of a good thing is bad for you... So, remember to eat in moderation!! I'm no doctor but I'm just sharing the goodness that cinnamon can bring us! Why not enjoy a food that makes you healthy at the same time am I right?

With that, see you guys again soon!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Shopping at Bugis

Friday, 19 December 2014

Hello again!! I wanted to blog about what I did with my friends from poly... We had an outing to go Bugis together but only 2 of them couldn't make it... So that left us with only 3 people including me to go Bugis.. We went to Bugis the next day after our common test ended..

Firstly, we met at the Bugis Mrt at 11 am.. And we ate first at Burger King since we haven't had our breakfast. Okay, so had a late breakfast.. hahha.. Then, after eating, we went straight to Bugis Street... And went to level 2.. There were not many people since it was still early... So, we just walked around and see what clothes, bags and shoe they were selling... There were a lot of choices to choose from... Then after looking around level 2, we went to level 3, to see what they have... I saw this one long green vest and I liked it... So I tried it on.. And It fits me.. So, I decided to buy it... heheh.. I've been wanting to buy a long vest... so, after that, we walked around some more... and my friend wanted to buy a green jacket from this shop...

Then we entered this shop where they sell cute animal onesie(jumpsuit).. The three of us planned to buy the onesie and one day use it in school and be like crazy people.. hahhaha!! And we all liked the idea.. Like just for the fun of it and make memories... Sooo.. When we asked the salesperson the price, she said it was now $45.. The usual price was $55... So if we buy now, we would save $10... so we just walked around some more and think when we should buy the onesie since we didn't have enough money to buy the onesie now.. So we actually planned on saving up first then buy the onesie... But I told them if we buy on another day, it would be the original price.. Soooo, I suddenly suggested that I pay for theirs first then they'll pay me on another day.. And they agreed.. So, we went on ahead and bought our onesie... We went back to the shop and tried on all different kinds of animal onesie... well I know I tried like A LOT OF ONESIE.... Since I couldn't decide on what animal onesie I should buy.... I really couldn't decide which one I like most... I tried a tiger onesie, an owl, eeyore (a character from winnie the pooh), a shark, a penguin, and lots more I can't remember as I tried on a lot... hahah! Sooooo finally, I tried on the giraffe onesie.. And I decided to get the giraffe onsie.... My friends got a black cat and an owl.... So I paid for the onesie and we went to arab street next...

We went to a cafe at arab street called "Cake Love"... We bought some churros there since my friend suggested to try the churros... We bought 3 sticks of the original churros and 3 sticks of the red velvet churros... So each of us gets to 1 stick each for each flavour... The original churros cost $6 for 3 sticks and the red velvet cost $8 for 3 sticks. I know the churros was a bit pricey... but its okay.. It's not everyday that I'm going to spend on expensive food like this.. The original churros was nice and chewy.. The velvet stick taste a bit burned but it's still nice..

We walked around arab street for awhile.. Then my friend and I bought some drinks... We were thirsty you can say.. Then, we walked past one of my friends school... hahah! Then, went to KFC and ate our dinner... I bought the KFC bucket rice while both of my friends bought the tom yam chicken... I tried my friends chicken tom yam and it was SPICY... even though it was just the tom yam powder.. One of my friend bought the lychee lemongrass drink... We each tasted the water and the taste was bit weird.. But I think it was quite nice... ahhaha but still weird though.. the lemongrass was in a jelly form...
So after eating, we went home....
When i reached home, I tried my giraffe onesie.... :) Isn't the giraffe onesie cute? hehe
My giraffe Onesie (not my room)

Overall,I had a wonderful and great time... It was also a great day spent and I can say my legs were tired from all the walking we did....
I guess you can say we did some kind of exercise... ehehehhe!!

So with that, see you guys again soon in my next post!!! :)

Hangout at Bugis

Friday, 26 December 2014

Hello lovelies! I just wanted to update my post on what I did these past days... Just to post what I do with my bestfriend at bugis...
Cake Delight Bakery Cafe
I went out with my best friend from Secondary school to bugis.. We planned on doing cafe hopping but it didn't really turned out well like what we planned out... Well first things first, we went to bugis to go to the cafe 'I am..." but when we reach the cafe, it was full and there were no empty seats for us.. We waited for a while longer but no one went out... Plus, it was raining... So we figured that people would stay there longer since it's raining as people would wait for the rain to stop then they'll move out.. Sooooo, we decided to look for another cafe... We walked a little bit further down the lane, and saw a small little cute cafe.. I think it was called 'Cake Delight Bakery'.. The cafe was soo empty.. So we went inside to look at the desserts they have there... There were only cupcakes, brownie, and a rainbow cake displayed at the cake display.. On the menu, there were drinks and waffles... The desserts were abit pricey.. But we just bought the cupcakes.. One cupcake was $4... But if we bought 4, it would be $15.. So, we just bought 4 cupcakes, and they were, Bandung cupcake, chocolate pretzel cupcake, chocolate banana cupcake and red velvet cupcake. Ohh and not forgetting the drinks.. For me, I got peach mango tea and my grind got milk tea... We then paid for the food and sat down at a table near the wall.. The cafe was a cute concept.. Heheh.. We shared the cupcakes so that we get to taste all 4 of the cupcakes... The cupcake was delicious!! And the peach mango was refreshing.. So we sat there and chit-chat for a while and eat at the same time....  I think we sat in the cafe for like 4 hours.. Yeah I know.. We were in the cafe for sooo long... Hahaha!! My friend had a lot of stories.. 

After that, we decided to go to Bugis Street and shop... I got a bag for $35 and a checkered long shirt for $25.. It was the last piece so the salesgirl sold it to me for $25.. It was actually $29... So I saved like $3.. Heheh.. So, after that, we went to bugis plus, and suddenly my friend said that she wanted to watch a movie... Sooooo, I suggested 'Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb' ... We went and check if there were seats available or not... But unfortunately, there wasn't any good seats... So we decided to not watch a movie and just  eat our dinner... We went to eat at 'Yellow Submarine'.. We had never tried eating there before as it was a new fast food restraunt.. It  just opened recently.. 'Yellow Submarine' is like subway but a little bit different... And the subway in Singapore is not halal... And guess what......? When we reached the restraunt, it was full of people.. They were ok empty seats just like when we went to the 'I am... 'Cafe.. Well, that's just it was... But it's okay.. This time, we waited for a while.. The irritating part was that, when we wanted to get the seat, there would be other people taking it first... I guess we're just slow... But in the end, we managed to get a seat... So after that we ordered our food... I can say the food is nice.. And the Cheese Fries was cheesy!! Yumss!! The meal that I bought cost around $9.90.

I felt like I gained weight from eating all those fatty foods in one day!! But it's okay! It's not everyday that I eat like this... Well I can say that I have been eating a lot of junk food these past days and weeks... Not a very healthy lifestyle I have here... I really need to change my habit of eating... 

With that, see you guys again soon!! 

Family day on Sunday

Sunday, 28 December 2014

My Outfit
Hello again! Today, I went out with my family to a few places... Well, I didn't plan on going out but when I heard my older sister mention that she wanted to treat us ice cream, I straight away said I wanted to follow them.. hahahha!! I cant resist free food!! FREE FOOD ARE THE BEST!! Don't you agree?? hehehe.... 

With that, I went straight to the toilet and had my shower and got ready to go out.. First, we went to the wedding reception of my father's friend. Only my father and sister went. My mother and I waited in the vehicle. After my father and sister cameback from the wedding reception, my father said he was still hungry even though he ate a mountain of rice with dishes and dessert.... My father was REALLY HUNGRY!! 

After that, we went to Changi, to go to Singapore Expo to go to the Metro sale at hall 4. My parents bought some comforter and some household items for the kitchen.. After that, we went to hall 6 where they had a wedding convention. They had some wedding packages, clothes from boutiques, and FOOD STALLS... We went there for the food... heheh.. My mother bought 3 packets of chicken nasi briyani for $10.. It's considered cheap because one packet cost around $5.20... I think they sold the packets of rice at a low price because they wanted to quickly finish the food there. My mother also bought a fruit punch as we were SOOOO THIRSTY... The fruit punch was deliciously sweet.. heheh... After that, we went  back to the vehicle and ate our food.. Only my mother, father and me ate the food as my sister was still full from eating at the wedding reception a few hours ago. 

After that, we went to Ikea at Tampines. We just walked around at Ikea... I guess my father was trying to get some decorative home ideas from Ikea.... My parents are thinking of repainting their room and thought of having a new look for their room.. After walking and walking around ikea, we got thirsty so My mother and I went to Giant which is just next door from Ikea, to buy some orange juice... When we reach Giant, we actually bought more than just orange juice... heheh.. Can't blame us, it is a supermarket with almost everything there... We bought muffins, avocado, cookies, orange juice, lime juice, and a pants for my mother. I think that's all... 

And after that...... Guess what....

We went home after that... We didn't get to eat ice cream at all..... hmmmmm.. well that's just disappointing... And I was soooooo looking forward to it..... Maybe next time... :) 
Overall, it was a great day spent together with my family. :)

With that, See you again soon!!! 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Felt like making a blog again

Hello blogspot! I suddenly have a feel of writing a blog when i read my friends blogspot.... I know in a few days time, 2014 is going to end and 2015 will be a new year and I just wanted to start making a blog again. I feel that blogging is like an online journal where you can write your daily event here. Even if my life is not that exciting but this will be like a reflection of what I do everyday.. Well, that's what I think.. I did have a blog before this... I think it was when I was in my secondary school days.... Now, I'm in year 1 poly! hehehe..  Hmmm... I think I started blogging in the year 2011... I think I was in secondary 2.. I didn't really post much but when I visited my old blog, I read my old blog posts and I can't really see myself writing those posts.. I guess my mindset during that time was different from now.. Well, people do change... So enough about my old blogspot... I'm going to start a fresh new blog and we'll see if I will be updating it quite often or not... :) 

With that, see you around!