
Monday, December 29, 2014

Family day on Sunday

Sunday, 28 December 2014

My Outfit
Hello again! Today, I went out with my family to a few places... Well, I didn't plan on going out but when I heard my older sister mention that she wanted to treat us ice cream, I straight away said I wanted to follow them.. hahahha!! I cant resist free food!! FREE FOOD ARE THE BEST!! Don't you agree?? hehehe.... 

With that, I went straight to the toilet and had my shower and got ready to go out.. First, we went to the wedding reception of my father's friend. Only my father and sister went. My mother and I waited in the vehicle. After my father and sister cameback from the wedding reception, my father said he was still hungry even though he ate a mountain of rice with dishes and dessert.... My father was REALLY HUNGRY!! 

After that, we went to Changi, to go to Singapore Expo to go to the Metro sale at hall 4. My parents bought some comforter and some household items for the kitchen.. After that, we went to hall 6 where they had a wedding convention. They had some wedding packages, clothes from boutiques, and FOOD STALLS... We went there for the food... heheh.. My mother bought 3 packets of chicken nasi briyani for $10.. It's considered cheap because one packet cost around $5.20... I think they sold the packets of rice at a low price because they wanted to quickly finish the food there. My mother also bought a fruit punch as we were SOOOO THIRSTY... The fruit punch was deliciously sweet.. heheh... After that, we went  back to the vehicle and ate our food.. Only my mother, father and me ate the food as my sister was still full from eating at the wedding reception a few hours ago. 

After that, we went to Ikea at Tampines. We just walked around at Ikea... I guess my father was trying to get some decorative home ideas from Ikea.... My parents are thinking of repainting their room and thought of having a new look for their room.. After walking and walking around ikea, we got thirsty so My mother and I went to Giant which is just next door from Ikea, to buy some orange juice... When we reach Giant, we actually bought more than just orange juice... heheh.. Can't blame us, it is a supermarket with almost everything there... We bought muffins, avocado, cookies, orange juice, lime juice, and a pants for my mother. I think that's all... 

And after that...... Guess what....

We went home after that... We didn't get to eat ice cream at all..... hmmmmm.. well that's just disappointing... And I was soooooo looking forward to it..... Maybe next time... :) 
Overall, it was a great day spent together with my family. :)

With that, See you again soon!!! 

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