
Sunday, November 27, 2016

L-lysine supplement: Solgar

hey!! So recently I ordered a supplement called L-lysine. L-lysine is an essential amino acid for the body and helps to recover the skin and muscle tissue. It's actually to help with herpes and cold sores. So basically it helps with the immune system. And our body can't produce this amino acid so we have to eat it. And recently I found a YouTube video about this supplement and they say it helped with the acne. So since I'm suffering from acne, I decide to try out this supplement. So that's the point where I decided to just go for it and order it online since the brand solgar is not sold in my country. And after 1 week, my order was sent safely to me. So I just received it yesterday afternoon. The delivery was considered quite fast. So today is the second day of eating the supplement. Yesterday i ate 1 tablet... and I plan on eating 1 tablet a day. And wait for the results!!! I hope this will help with my skin condition. The review I read are quite good.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Facial massage and ear candling

hey! So today I went to a spa to go for ear candling.. this is my second session for ear candling. This is because the first time I did, they forced my to take package since it's cheaper for each session. So I rejected them but they still force me.. so I ended up buying the 15 sessions.. which costs $360. But after I paid for it, I was disappointed as I was technically wasting my money on something not so important.... I regretted my decision but it's too late .. today I asked them if I can take the smaller package but they say no sorry the package is no more.. so I just have to pay the full amount... not only that, before I started doing my ear candling, they asked me if I wanted to do a facial massage which was on promotion.. which cost $28. They say it's a one time promotion... I just straight out rejected her twice but then she said why don't you want to do it today? I didn't know how to answer to her but I did give excuses but then she said, if I can't do it today, why it you do it on another day but I have to pay first.... so I had no choice but to do it today.. argh so irritating 😠... so today was my first time having my facial. I didn't want to have facial because I know that i have pimples and acne and that my skin is sensitive... but she say ooooh this focal massage is fine for sensitive skin so my skin would be fine and that there's no scrubbing involved ... I don't really like spas that have packages as they will always try to make you pay for it... I just hope that my face and skin will still be fine when I wake up tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Day of 21 November 2016

hey! So the whole of today, I wasn't feeling well at school. I've been feeling bloated, sleepy and I really couldn't concentrate in class. I couldn't even notice that the salt wasn't sugar. There was also a test for PO&O... I couldn't remember the points that they ask for. I also think that I messed up the calculation part.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Baked bread for the first time!

Hey guys! Yesterday, on Saturday, 19 November 2016, I actually tried to make bread!!! Whoo!!! It was a fun process making the bread.. I yield 2 bread... it turned out quite good.. However, I think there's still more room for improvement ... I think To knead more to make the bread more lighter and fluffier... wall I Guess You can say that I pass for my first try!! I'm happy with what I made and even my family complimented me saying I did a good job and that the bread was delicious!!! Yay!! I'm Glad they liked it!! So I'm going to make more bread to improve my bread making skill!! Hahahah!,

Body issues

Hey guys! So today, I actually decided to order a L-lysine supplement at an online store since there's no L-lysine supplement from a brand that I want that is sold in Singapore.. so that's why I decided to order it online... I decided to buy a L-lysine supplement as I've seen review about it where it can actually help with acen... So that's why I decided to just order it and try it once it arrives... so basically, I've been suffering and struggling from acne from when I was a teenager about 12 years old... I'm now 20 years old.. but my acne hasn't disappeared yet... it's very frustrating as I've been spending my money on acne products trying to find what products to help my acne to disappear.... I've tried quite a lot of Brands... I've tried form expensive and some local drugstore products... some did help but not so much while some even made my face become worse than before... I really hope this can help my insides to be better Son my skin will be better too... I also have other problems with my body... such as hairfall, bloating, bad breath(I feel like my breath will be bad after a while), chapped lips, a little body odour, excessive perspiration ... but the antiperspirant  also helps... but antiperspirant only helps for the underarm.... my face, scalp, back, legs, feet, hands, butt, sweat easily  when it's hot... even though I live in s HOT/warm climate, some other people don't sweat a lot like I do... I've also been taking a supplement called Skin Clear by Kordel to help my skin... I just finished my first bottle.. So now I'm on my second bottle... I hope it will help with my acne as well....

Heaviest weight yet

Hey! I have been feeling that I am getting heavier... and I haven't been weighing myself... so today, I finally weigh myself in the weighing scale... and my weight was 60.2Kg!!! That's the heaviest weight I have ever been... I never thought I would actually be this heavy .. I've never thought I will reach 60kg at all!!! I've been mainting my weight... but this few weeks, I've been eating unhealthily and I stuffed myself.. which is not good... and from the weighing scale, it's true that I gain weight... I can know when I gain weight coz I will feel myself getting heavier and my clothes will feel tighter... agghh... it's so frustrating... I want to exercise.. but it's just that there's no time... I know people say if you really want to do do it, you will make time for it even if you are busy.... buts it's really hard with tests coming up, assignments due.... it's all very cramped up...

Recently, I bought rollerblades, with the safety gears... and I actually planned to rollerblade like every once a week... but I haven't been able to do that... I really want to lose weight wuile learning how to do sometiing that's fun... my plan was to actually go to the school gym every Wednesday with my friends ... but I Guess that plan is out the window since we are embarrassed to go inside the school gym since it's mostly guys inside the school gym... I really hope I can lose weight by the end of this year at least...

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thai odyssey

Hello! How are you holding up? Well I just wanted to write a post about where I went and what I did on Tuesday, 15 November 2016. Okay, so basically on Tuesday I didn't have any lab on that day... so I planned to go to JB to go and have a massage... 👍🏻 Well in Terms of  massage, I won't do the full body so I ended up with a foot massage..  I went together with my mum to get the 60mins foot massage since there's a free 10 mins shoulder massage.. I really like the atmosphere and the treatment of the people.. it's very soothing and calming. Even the tea that they give us before and after the massage is quite nice.. it's called a Thai herbal tea.  Next time I shall go here again. Ohh yeah I forgot to mention the shop name... it's called THAI ODYSSEY.

I did a 60mins foot massage and it was really relaxing... 👍🏻 Even though the air conditioning in the spa was cold, it was a painful but good massage. The  pain was only at some points not all on my foot. The price I paid was RM76.10... I might go there again for another massage.. Before the massage,  they will actually wash your feet first, then bring you to a room for the massage. Before they even massage, they will let you drink the herbal tea. After that, they will put an something to cover your eyes. It feels like a beaded eye cover. From there, they will proceed to massage my feet. After about 50mins, they will stop and then proceed to massage my shoulder for 10mins. I really like the shoulder massage as I could feel my tense muscles being loosen up. So overall, I recommend this spa for a massage.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Feeling fatigue and not being productive

Hey! So today when I woke up, my whole body felt really achy.... My shoulders, my feet, my arms, feel very achy... I'm not exactly sure why.. But I'm guessing it's because of that time I went ice skating which was only 2 days ago...

So after that I went to eat breakfast... And did my laundry for the one week worth of used clothes... So after that, I started planning on what to do for my IS&LP module lab report. So I did some research to get some answers, and while at it, I ate my lunch... The. I continued on doing my report, then ate again at around 5pm... I also had to go and do my laundry again.. And bring in my dry clothes from outside... Then I continued doing my report... So basically I spent my whole day doing the report... And at first I actually planned to do my report and try to study for my other modules since I'm having class tests in the next 2 weeks time.... But in the end, I wasn't being productive today coz the only thing I did today was just my report.. And it's still not done yet.... Arghhh... It's okay... For tmrw, I am planning to actually study my PO&O module... So that at least I have actually study for one of the modules.... So hopefully I will be productive tmrw... Usually on a Sunday, I will usually not be productive.. But tmrw, I really hope I will do some school work instead of relaxing...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Ice skating @ Kallang Leisure Park

Hey! So today My school ended at 11 am, since there were no more classes after that, my friends and I decided to go out and have some fun... So we decided on going out to eat lunch first... We went to eat Arnold's Chicken. We bought a set meal for 4 people.. Since there's 4 of us. So we enjoyed our delicious Chicken and some French fries.. After eating, we decided to go for ice skating at Kallang. Since I've never been to Kallang to ice skate before, we took the MRT at Yishun and dropped at Bishan mrt station to change to the circle line, then we dropped off at stadium mrt station at around 2.45pm... We went to buy the tickets and quickly changed to the skating shoes that we rented...

The shoe had a stench... But we had no choice but to use it.... The experience of skating is like roller blading but it's more difficult since the shoe had only a metal plate under it. I took some time to get the hang of skating on ice... But I'm still not good at ice skating... And I also feel like doing it again... Hahah. Even though my feet hurts from doing the activity... The shoe was really uncomfortable... There wasn't any support in the shoe and it was hard... Ohh yeah I also fell once as my Friend was about to fall but I went to support her.. But I was the one who ended up falling down.. While she was the one helping me up...! Ahahhah.. But sitting on the ice was cooling 😂 Hahahah well I Guess I've always like ice skating as it looks fun... It's just that I don't really get much chance to skate around....
I enjoy rollerblading and it's been a Long time since I've done that... And I'm considering of buying my own inline rollerblade... But the Price of the rollerblades are quite ehem... Pricey... Maybe I can try to buy 2nd hand rollerblades??? What do you guys think? Should I buy 1st hand or 2nd hand rollerblades? And why?

Thank you!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Help!!! Experiencing Neck/Shoulder pain

Heylooo!! so I just wanted to write what I'm currently experiencing... Well, to be more specific, I am currently having a bad neck/shoulder pain.... and the pain worsens when I lay down... I can feel the throbbing pain... And the neck/shoulder pain extends to the right side which is around the back of the ribs.... I'm not sure why I am feeling his pain.... HHHHHEEEELLLLLPPPPPPPPP Meeeeee!!!!!!!

It started I think around afternoon time... I thought it was like a normal neck pain due to looking down too much... But as time goes on, when I laugh, I can also feel it... So, you can guess that, I tried not to laugh much, but I couldn't stand it so I just had to laugh at the things that I find funny.. So I just had to endure the pain whenever I laugh... 

Time skip, when I reach home, around 7 pm, The pain was worse... I felt really uncomfortable even when I was sitting down.... So, I quickly made my dinner and ate... I ate salmon fish and rice.... Then I drank honey red date and longan tea... Then I had my shower.... After showering, I quickly dressed in my pajamas and put some yoko-yoko (it's a medicine to help relieve shoulder stiffness and muscular aches) at the area where it hurts... I also ate some paracetamol to help lessen the pain... 

But to no avail, it was still painful... It really hurts even when I lay down on my bed... So, you can imagine the pain made me unable to have a good night rest... So when I woke up today, the pain is still there... So I had to go to school with a bad neck/shoulder pain.....

So after school today, I went to buy more yoko-yoko ailment.... and I'm using it right now..... SO, hopefully the yoko-yoko will help relieve the pain.... 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

First Love Letter

Note: [writing a love letter to someone I admire and trying to convince him to go on a date with me... Read it first and tell me if it is convincing enough or NOT..]

Hey! The first time you caught my attention was when you were standing there with your friends at school. We might be in the same course but we are in a different class. I've seen you a couple of times in school before. Everytime I see you, it will always make my day. I find you quite attractive. Your hairstyle fits you perfectly well and the way you dress is cool. Even from the back you look good. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me sometime? Well I might be the girl you're looking for if you give it a chance to get to know each other better. I might even reveal my feelings for you. I always look forward to going to school just to get the chance to see you anytime of the day. So, why not give me a chance to bring you out on a date, on Friday night after school around 6pm? I'll meet you at the fountain near the entrance of school at 6pm. I'll be waiting for you. :)

With Love,

E <3

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Love letter assignment

Hey.... So today in one of my lessons, I was tasked by the lecturer to write down a love letter... We were told to write down a love letter to someone that we admire and were suppose to convince them to go on a date.. If we didn't have one, we just had to make up somebody to write too.... We were given about 15 mins to think of something to write... I couldn't think of a way to start of the letter and my content of the letter as I wasn't sure who I was writing about... So after time was up, the lecturer will choose a few people to say out the love letter that they have written.... After hearing some of the other love letters, they were quite interesting and Creative... I felt that my love letter was really very boring... And that I was Uncreative.... So from this activity, I knew that my brain was dead... Like my creativity was really gone.... I Guess I have to find a way to find and create back my creative side...

So I was thinking of maybe writing another love letter of my own to maybe bring out my Creative side and also make myself able to express my feelings well... I also feel that nowadays I can't seem to express my feelings well... I feel that I'm emotionless but sometimes I do get angry or sad or happy... But I Guess sometimes I don't feel the feelings I'm suppose too....

Okay so I shall write a love letter here in another post... Look forward to it... Maybe I'll even write a few love letter.. Not just one just to practice...