
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Facial massage and ear candling

hey! So today I went to a spa to go for ear candling.. this is my second session for ear candling. This is because the first time I did, they forced my to take package since it's cheaper for each session. So I rejected them but they still force me.. so I ended up buying the 15 sessions.. which costs $360. But after I paid for it, I was disappointed as I was technically wasting my money on something not so important.... I regretted my decision but it's too late .. today I asked them if I can take the smaller package but they say no sorry the package is no more.. so I just have to pay the full amount... not only that, before I started doing my ear candling, they asked me if I wanted to do a facial massage which was on promotion.. which cost $28. They say it's a one time promotion... I just straight out rejected her twice but then she said why don't you want to do it today? I didn't know how to answer to her but I did give excuses but then she said, if I can't do it today, why it you do it on another day but I have to pay first.... so I had no choice but to do it today.. argh so irritating 😠... so today was my first time having my facial. I didn't want to have facial because I know that i have pimples and acne and that my skin is sensitive... but she say ooooh this focal massage is fine for sensitive skin so my skin would be fine and that there's no scrubbing involved ... I don't really like spas that have packages as they will always try to make you pay for it... I just hope that my face and skin will still be fine when I wake up tomorrow.

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